

Weekly Service Schedule


8 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite I - a tranquil service reflecting time honored prayers.

10 a.m. Holy Eucharist, Rite II - a service complemented with instrumental accompaniment and hymns.

11 a.m. Sunday School (following the 10 a.m. service)

You are invited to join us in Guild Hall following each service for refreshments & fellowship

Wednesdays at noon

A healing service offering anointing and Holy Communion, Rite II.


As Christians living out our lives in faith, we believe that Christ’s divine presence is presented in perfect union through the incarnation God as God in human nature. With the presence of the Holy Spirit Christ has continually formed, reformed, and informed who we are. We are enlightened by the presence of the Holy Spirit, in our own baptism, to a God that Creates, Redeems, and Sanctifies the church to be the Body of Christ on earth. We look to Holy Scripture as the Word of God to inspire us in all matters of the Christian faith, through the guidance of the Holy Spirit for understanding and meaning, together with the experience of the Christian church throughout history.


We worship according to the authorized edition of The Book of Common Prayer and approved supplemental liturgies of the Episcopal Church. We are a prayerful community of practice and faith recognized by our liturgy. Through worship we are united with others to acknowledge the holiness of God, to hear God’s Word, to offer prayer, and to celebrate the sacraments instituted by Christ. Our worship together is central to our lives, in anticipation of our worship eternally with God.